Mission Be offers a 4-32 Week Mindfulness Program for K-12th Grade with weekly lessons (each 40 min) taught by Master’s level Mission Be trained master level educators. The program is designed to improve student learning, help children regulate emotions and enhance school climate.
The Benefits of Mindfulness
Reduce stress
Increase focus
Improve empathy
Improve emotional intelligence
Improve emotion regulation
Increase resilience
Improve physical and emotional well-being
Improve school climate
Our 12 Week Course Includes the following lessons:

Additional Add On Programs
When Mission Be started in 2013 at Islip Public Schools, we welcomed 500 students to after their eight week mindful program to a Mindful Concert and Sing-a-Along which was participant driven. During the concert Mission Be Educators sang songs, played instruments and invited the students to sing-a-long. Students then presented and shared how mindfulness helped them. Students also created beautiful art rooted in nature such as the ocean, rivers and trees representing the lessons and breaths they learning during the school day.
Our Mindful Music Program was then expanded into the Oakland School District in 2015. We brought Mindful Music and Hip Hop to Montera Middle School in Oakland. We had the students engage in songwriting, sing-a-longs and performed guitar, native drums and singing bowls. Then in 2019-2021 Mission Be continued the Mindful Music and Conscious Hip Hop in the Edmund Miles Middle School. This was an 8 week course that included Mindful Music and Performances, as well as song writing rooted in social and emotional learning and mindfulness!This program was then implemented at Amityville Middle School during lunch, the students attending voluntarily and many students came down on their own time and raved about the programs impact.
Mission Be Mindful Mentoring ProgramAt Roslyn High School in New York during the 2019, Mission Be started a Mindful Mentoring Program that has scaled to many Silicon Valley High Schools including Menlo Atherthon, Sequioa, Woodside, TIDE Academy and Carlmont with great success. Students attend a day long retreat and then help facilitate a day long retreat with 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grade students. They are then invited to teach short breathing practices to peers in clubs, sports, classroom and social settings. When the students are seniors they are invited to volunteer to teach mindfulness at a faculty meeting.
Bring Mindfulness to Your School
Invite a Mission Be educator to your school or classroom. Mission Be educators teach mindfulness practices 30-45 min once a week for 8-12 Week Implementation with Daily Practices.
Fill out the form below to invite a Mission Be educator to your school!
“Thank you so much for the mindfulness training! It was super helpful and minimized my stress!”
“Hey Ms Winter, Thank you so much for coming to our class and teaching us your wise knowledge. I learned so much and whenever you came and led us through mindfulness, I felt peace all day long. Thank you for being so sweet and kind, I really looked forward to your visits. I will continue to practice mindfulness!”
“Thanks so much for everything. Mindfulness was so relaxing and I’ve been trying to continue a mindful thinking. You’re the best!”