Mission Be, Mindful Educator Elementary Training in Austin, Texas (K-5th Grade Educators)

Mission Be, Mindful Educator Training in Austin, Texas 
Ballet Austin
501 West 3rd Street
Austin, TX 7870

Join us for our Weekend Course for and get training in delivering a 12 Week Course to K-5th Grade Students!

Join us for a weekend of learning and relaxation. The Mission Be team to give you easy to use mindfulness techniques for yourself and your classroom. This interactive weekend will also provide educators with a solid easy to use 12 Week mindfulness-based education course to bring back to your classroom, plus daily practices to teach throughout the year! The weekend will explore self-care and relaxation practice to help you feel calm and rejuvenated. Come join us and learn how to use mindfulness practices to create a more compassionate and thriving classroom and gain the skills to help yourself too!


Join the movement for healthier and happier teachers and students
The Mindful Educator Training will introduce participants to the simple-yet powerful practice of mindfulness that can improve both their personal well-being and that of their students. Over the course of the 15 hour training, participants can expect to:

Develop or Deepen Educator Self-Care Practice
* The weekend experience is designed to help participants enhance their personal self-care and relaxation practice.

Learn Mindfulness Facilitation Skills
* The weekend will train educators in Mission Be’s 12 Week Mindfulness Program for children

Strengthen Peer Network
* The weekend training offers many opportunities for educators to authentically connect and learn from peer educators integrating mindfulness in their lives and in the classroom.


The weekend is open to all administrators, teachers, school counselors, psychologists and social workers and others working with youth.
Mindfulness programs have great potential to help students and teachers thrive in school and beyond as seen in the many positive experiences of those participating in such programs. We invite you to join us with surrounding area educators in continuing this movement for healthier and happier students and teachers!

Please email Carin Winter, CEO at  or call 631 513 6151 if you have any questions.